Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Revolution is On


  • Want to be part of a life-extending, vitality-promoting revolution, a way of achieving greater health and improved quality of your precious life from head to toe, inside and out?  
  • Do you long for a trusted source of simple, accessible information to remove all the confusion and contradictions we hear about food and diets and healthy choices? 
  • Do you desire to attain and retain the sort of information that builds confidence in your choices, the kind that clarifies and clears the way to better health, and a much rosier future?

I got back to blogging to let my beloved family and dearest friends know about this Revolution, leading to a way of Life that could free you & your liver from being forced to filter multiple costly pharmaceutical products prescribed by your physician purportedly to fix your problems.  Well, until our medical schools catch up to the 21st Century and begin to incorporate the latest scientific knowledge about the cause-and-effect connection between our food choices and chronic illness I say:

Physician, health thyself.

Those of you who have read my increasingly rare posts beginning nearly 10 years ago know that I like to share my discoveries, to feature the information - books, video clips, authors, experts and teachers who have inspired me.  Well, right now my inspiration is The Food Revolution Network (FRN).  So that's what I've added to the right* of this post, with links to more information on this Organization founded by best-selling author John Robbins and his son, Ocean.

I don't pretend to be an expert in any area, but I am an inquisitive student-researcher.  I love sharing information I've found from those who ARE widely-regarded as experts, individuals who are "walking the talk," and have vitally-important information to impart for our optimal health.

I encourage you to check out the Food for Health Master Class and to find out more about Robbins' Food Revolution Network.  It could mean the start of true wealth for you -- your health.  Wealth of knowledge, of the simple truths that can feel revolutionary while reassuringly realistic and attainable.

The foods you eat or don't eat have an enormous impact on the quality and the length of your life. ~ John Robbins   

This basic but profoundly important and empowering information from Robbins' Food for Health Master Class will help to increase your awareness of and appreciation for our amazing bodies, and our incredible built-in abilities to self heal when given the right food to fuel our optimal cellular renewal and repair.  It will enable you to shake off the self-limiting ways many of us view aging and illness, and help you to recognize that MUCH of our current and future states of health are linked to the food choices we make. And -- big bonus -- after your introduction to this Revolution, you could grow more energetic, youthful, Plant-Powered & Thriving for many years to come!

Let FOOD be thy medicine. ~ Hippocrates

I'm talking about the kind of revolution that can save us AND the Planet.  A way of living that helps us to grow stronger, and less dependent on doctors and drugs. A way of eating that promotes health, while increasing awareness of the choices that are less destructive to our environment.

We are stardust
We are golden
And we've got to get ourselves
Back to the garden ~  Joni Mitchell

Thanksgiving is coming.  It needn't be a time to "pig out." It can be the time to come together and express our gratitude for friendship & family; for good health and The Harvest: the cornucopia of colors that bring us healing, strength and a youthful vitality that can bring us back to the Table for  many years to come.

Let us form a circle, hold each other's hands, and bow our heads in humble gratitude for the Earth's bounty, recognizing that our own personal revolution is within our power. Let it begin...

* on the Web-friendly version of Itz all one on your desktop not the "default" view on your mobile device.

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