Sunday, November 10, 2019

Neuroplasticity -- what I need after losing my mind

Okay, I DO seem overly curious about brain health, but that's because I can NEVER ever take it for granted again.  

3.5 years ago, I got very ill, resulting in brain inflammation and injury leading to the longest, most horrific clusterf*#! imaginable, so I am fascinated and grateful that there is something called neuroplasticity.  It may be my only hope.

Yep. My amazing brain.  It got fried and then denied. Crazy.

But yes, we all have these amazing brains.  Protect 'em if you can.  Stop eating and drinking sugary stuff.  It's like kerosene on your brain.  Burns it down to transform you into someone you won't even recognize in the mirror.  

You gotta believe me: you can't even begin to describe your brain and the stuff it can do without a functioning brain.

So eat your veggies, exercise, socialize and sleep well...

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